
President - Andrew Olson
Andrew Olson is going to be the new Student Council President for the 2015 - 2016 school year. He is excited to work with the Student Council members and move the school forward. He is looking forward to a fun school year and is welcoming to any and all suggestions for the council.
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Vice-President - Jessy Kong
Jessy Kong is going to be a sophomore for the 2015-2016 school year. She is the co-president of the Appleton West Key Club. Jessy is glad to be the new VP and she is looking forward to a great school year. She is the website designer and will gladly take any suggestions you may have for her.
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Secretary -
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Treasurer - Amanda Kellenberger
Amanda Kellenberger will be a junior during the 2015-2016 school year and is gratefully taking the office of treasurer. She looks forward to some great teamwork and ideas in order to make this year a great one.